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How to use bindings and loops

Bindings and loops can be used to generalize and compress long scripts with repeating structure. E.g., if you want to run some identical sets of operations multiple times, this can be generalized by creating a loop. Bindings are created through the let command while loops are created with the for command.

# Introduction to new functionality: Bindings and Loops
require no.ssb.fdb:26 as f
create-dataset ds

# Bindings

Bindings are local values that are stored in the client with `let`. The values can either be used locally, or inserted into expressions before they are sent for analysis.

In practice, bindings create global variables that can be referred to across datasets, and can be useful to generalize a script.

For example, you can make a script time-independent by creating a let-binding that contains a year. Instead of specifying the specific year everywhere in a script, the binding is used instead. If you later want to run the script on a new vintage, you just need to change the value of the binding (and you don't have to go through the entire script to change the year).

Use `help let` for the full syntax description.

You can bind both to strings and numbers:
let string = "foo"
let twothousand = 2000

Mathematical expressions also work in bindings
let approx_pi = 22/7

Functions that operate only on bindings, called `procedures` can also be used. Use `help-procedure` to see the list of these

let pi = pi()
let one = cos(2 * pi())

The new operator, `++` concatenates strings together with each other, or with numbers. Note that number + string = string.
let date = 2000 ++ "-01-01"

To refer to an existing binding, a `$` sign is placed in front:
let twothousand_value = $twothousand
let startdate = $twothousand ++ "-01-01"

You can also set a binding to a symbol. This is a specific object that you will later refer to, usually a variable.
It does not necessarily have to be an existing variable, but can be inserted into an expression where the variable is to be generated.

Symbols should not be specified with quotes like strings.

let siv = sivstate

Symbols can also be used in expressions by concatenation
let twothousand_symbol = two ++ thousand

Symbols in bindings can therefore be used like this. This imports the variable to the symbol pointed to by the binding `$siv`, which is `sivstate`
import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND $startdate as $siv

Note above that bindings given to the date variable in import commands are handled specially.
They are stored as a string and are converted to a date value when used here.

NB: Bindings can be clicked on in the interface to bring up a window that shows the origin of the binding. Try with `$startdate` in the result window or in the dataset details. If the binding is derived from another binding, like `$twothousand`, this can further be clicked on to see its origin.

# Loops

Loops are a way to run a command multiple times, where the value in one or more given bindings changes for each iteration. In the loop head, you set an iterator that will behave just like the let-bindings.
The difference is that you can define several values that will be used one after the other.

Use `help for` for the full syntax description

for iterator in 1 2 3
  let double = $iterator * 2

Until the loop is closed, this is equivalent to `let iterator = 1`.
When `end` is run, all the commands inside the loop are executed for the remaining iterators 2 and 3.

This allows you to run the first iteration of the loop and see the results before running the remaining iterations.
This can be useful when you are developing a script and want to check that you are getting the correct/expected results from costly operations.

Try this by either setting a breakpoint on the command inside the loop (clicking on the margin or `alt+enter` when the line is selected), or by executing the steps one by one in the command line.

You can define the iterator values in two ways, either as a list of numbers, strings and/or symbols (as above), or by a __numeric__ range of values `from : to` (inclusive)

for iterator in 1:3
  let double = $iterator * 2

The bindings created inside the loop are local to the iteration and disappear afterwards.
Variables created in the current dataset will exist after the loop.

This is to be able to import variables like this:

for year in 2000 : 2002
  let siv_date = $year ++ "-01-01"
  let siv_year = siv_ ++ $year
  import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND $siv_date as $siv_year

The pattern of importing variables like this is common, and we see two things:

Specifying a date with specified dates and months can be cumbersome to do programmatically.
We therefore offer the `date_fmt` procedure to make this easier.

let dt1 = date_fmt(2000)
let dt2 = date_fmt(2000, 10)
let dt3 = date_fmt(2000, 10, 20)

There can be many temporary bindings in loops. In the loop example above, `siv_date` and `siv_year` are also used only once. To avoid creating such temporary let-bindings, you can also use binding expressions inside the command itself. There are different ways how this can be done:

1) In expressions where a new variable is generated, this can be specified with a binding expression directly. This applies to `import`, `generate` and more. Look for `name` in the command parameters in the help text.

So this import statement corresponds to the one we defined in the loop above:
let year = 2000
import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND 2000-01-01 as siv_inline ++ $year

2) The date expression in an import statement is treated specially so that you can use either a date (as usual), a binding (as shown above), or a procedure directly. This primarily facilitates the use of the `date_fmt` procedure to specify a date directly. the import statement above can then be simplified to
import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND date_fmt(2000) as siv_proc ++ $year

3) In general expressions, such as in `generate` or after `if`, bindings cannot be used freely as in `name`.
This is because it is not possible to distinguish between what should apply to the binding and what applies to the expression itself.

The operator `++` is, however, special since it is only defined for bindings. `++` will therefore be evaluated even if we are inside another expression.
generate married = 1 if siv_ ++ $year + 2 == 1

Note that `++` has lower precedence than `+` and `-`. This means that

`siv_ ++ $year + 2 == 1`

is the same as

`(siv_ ++ ($year + 2)) == 1`.

Be aware of this if you actually want to use the variable in a mathematical expression.

If you e.g. want to add 1 to all variables named `siv_{$year}` this must be done like this:

`(siv_ ++ $year) + 1`

The use of these two techniques then gives us the shorter loop variant:
for year in 2000 : 2002
  import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND date_fmt($year) as inline_siv ++ $year

It is wise to think carefully when using inline bindings, as the code can become harder to read with excessive use.
When writing these in the command line, the error messages will also not be as good since it is harder to match the evaluated expression with where it should be inserted.

Named bindings with `let` are also useful for indicating the intention with the value directly in the program, especially if the value is tied to a constant value that comes from outside the system.

## Example

A typical example of using bindings and loops where a set of variables measured over several years is imported, for a random selection of resident individuals in a given age group:

let start_year = 2020
let start_date = date_fmt($start_year + 1)

let minage = 40
let maxage = 50

create-dataset totalpop
import f/BEFOLKNING_FOEDSELS_AAR_MND as birthdate
sample 0.1 12345
generate age = $start_year - int(birthdate/100)

import f/BEFOLKNING_STATUSKODE $start_date as regstat

keep if regstat == '1' & age >= $minage & age <= $maxage
histogram age, discrete freq

//Alternative 1
for i in 2016 : 2020
  let idate = date_fmt($i, 12, 31)
  let yy = $i - 2000
  let var = wage ++ $yy
  import f/INNTEKT_LONN $idate as $var

//Alternative 2
for i in 2016 : 2020
  import f/INNTEKT_LONN date_fmt($i, 12, 31) as wage ++ $i - 2000 ++ "_2"

Currently, it is not possible to create bindings consisting of lists of symbols (variables), e.g. `let vars = gender age education`. This is under development

## Advanced loops

Loops can also iterate over several values, nest over several values, or both at the same time. This is achieved with a generator syntax.

Iterate over several values: If, for example, you want to import a bunch of dates and give them names that cannot be derived from the year:

for year, sivname in 2000 : 2002, first second third
  import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND date_fmt($year) as $sivname

Nested loops: If you want to do this several times to generate similar variables with other names. This is the same as nesting the loop after `;` inside the loop in front.
This will then iterate over the values 2000 and first, 2000 and second, 2001 and first, etc.:

for year in 2000 : 2002; sivname in first second
  import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND date_fmt($year) as $sivname ++ $year ++ nested

These two techniques can be combined to iterate over several values in a nested loop:

for year, color in 2000 : 2002, blue yellow green; sivname in first second
  import f/SIVSTANDFDT_SIVSTAND date_fmt($year) as $sivname ++ $year ++ $color