Videos of the thematic courses from 2022 (Norwegian only)

In 2022, several thematic courses were held in We now give you the opportunity to see and hear the presentations about the thematic areas and how to put it to use in

The thematic courses are divided into the following areas:

  • Thematic course – contextual data
  • Thematic course – job data and data on ongoing education
  • Thematic course – income, tax, and welfare benefits 
  • Thematic course – building datasets and creating variables
  • Thematic course – working with invisible data 

Three of the thematic areas are subtitled and published on our course pages.

In the thematic course – job data and data on ongoing education you will learn more about which employment and education data has, which to use when, and how to handle parallel events.

Thematic course – contextual data describes the person’s surroundings, for instance parents and siblings, the family and the household, the town and the municipality. has pointers from the person to data on all these units. Learn what variables we have, which ones you can create and how to link them together.

Thematic course – building datasets and creating variables shows how to aggregate, split, re-code, and trim datasets, and how to re-structure from wide to long.

All courses contain an academic theoretical part, and a practical part. This gives you good insight into the application of the current variables.

All the videos are in Norwegian only.

Video for the remaining two thematic courses will be published later.