User Guide for revised per januar 2022

The user manual has been updated and describes the latest commands and functionalities that have been implemented from September 2020 until January 2022.

The most important update concerns Appendix C, which has been updated with a correct description of the current confidentiality mechanisms. Before March 2021, all data were winsorized in connection with the import of variables, or by using drop if or keep if, which affected regression estimates. After this date, only descriptive statistical results are winsorized on the basis of the current statistical population, and the underlying data are thus not affected by this mechanism. Thus, regression analyzes will not be affected by the winorization. This was described in a previous news story (click here).

Chapter 5 has also received a major expansion, and is now going through amongst others:

  • Further use of output from regressions: Residuals, prediction values ​​etc.
  • Cluster and robust estimation
  • Factor variables
  • Model diagnostics

In addition, Chapter 5.9 shows an overall example of how all the available regression models are expressed through commands.

Otherwise, all chapters have been updated and improved with more detailed explanations and more illustrations, e.g. it is explained more thoroughly how script editor can be used for analysis work in chapter 1.5.

[Click here to get to the manual (press F5 if the latest edition does not appear)] (