Doubles number of employment variables

By introducing 29 new variables, doubles the number of variables from the A-ordningen in the new version 14 of the database. Among the news are data on monthly salaries, overtime and bonuses. now has 78 variables on employment.

Following the latest expansion in February, has 78 variables directly related to employment. The most updated offer data up to and including July 2021.

The employment variables in come from two sources: the A-ordningen and register-based employment statistics (REGSYS).

The A-ordningen

The A-ordningen is a coordinated digital collection of data on working conditions based on compulsory reports from employers to the Norwegian Tax Administration and NAV – the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Data are available per month, and all months contain a complete description of work and pay for all jobs that a person has. The statistical unit is in most cases the job with a pointer to the person.

In, all variables from the A-ordningen have the prefix ARBLONN. If you search for it in the variable overview, you will get the complete list of the variables. The time series begin in January 2015, and the variables are updated up to and including July 2021. In the table below, you can see which variables came in version 14, the latest, of the database.


Register-based employment statistics (REGSYS) are status variables that describe the situation as of November each year. Here, the statistical unit is person, and the description applies to the main job. Most time series start in 2000 and run until 2020. Update to November 2021 is expected in March this year. You get the list of the 22 REGSYS variables found in by searching for the prefix REGSYS in the search engine in the variable overview.

Updates and extensions

The data base in is expanded and updated continuously. In version 14, 29 new variables were added. As of mid-February 2022, the database contains 377 variables. The plan is to increase this to over 1,000 during 2022 and 2023.

New variables in version 14, 10.02.2022

VariableTechnical name
Bonus, full-time equivalent ARBLONN_LONN_EKV_BONUS 
Bonus, reported ARBLONN_LONN_BONUS 
Equivalent weight ARBLONN_LONN_EKV_VEKT 
Extras, irregular supplements for non-working time, reported ARBLONN_LONN_UREGTIL_UARBEIDET 
Extras, irregular supplements for work time, reported ARBLONN_LONN_UREGTIL_ARBEIDET 
Extras, irregular, full-time equivalent ARBLONN_LONN_EKV_UREGTIL 
Overtime, number of hours for overtime pay ARBLONN_LONN_OVERTID_TIMER 
Overtime, overtime pay ARBLONN_LONN_OVERTID 
Overtime, overtime pay, reported ARBLONN_LONN_OVERTID_INNRAPP 
Reimbursement of expenses (SKD) ARBLONN_LONN_GODTGJORELSE 
Vacation money ARBLONN_LONN_FERIE 
Wages, cash wages after imputation ARBLONN_LONN_KONTANT 
Wages, cash wages, reported ARBLONN_LONN_KONTANT_INNRAPP 
Wages, deduct from wages for holiday ARBLONN_LONN_FERIE_TREKK 
Wages, fixed wages ARBLONN_LONN_FAST 
Wages, fixed wages, reported ARBLONN_LONN_FAST_INNRAPP 
Wages, hourly wage ARBLONN_LONN_TIME 
Wages, hourly wage, number of hours for hourly wage ARBLONN_LONN_TIME_ANTALL 
Wages, hourly wage, number of hours for hourly wage, reported ARBLONN_LONN_TIME_ANTALL_INNRAPP 
Wages, hourly wage, reported ARBLONN_LONN_TIME_INNRAPP 
Wages, imputation status ARBLONN_LONN_IMP_STATUS 
Wages, monthly wages (total), full-time equivalent ARBLONN_LONN_EKV_IALT 
Wages, monthly wages, agreed full-time equivalent ARBLONN_LONN_EKV_FMLONN 
Wages, natural wages (SKD) ARBLONN_LONN_NATURAL 
Wages, other reported ARBLONN_LONN_ANNEN_BET