Course calendar and tutorials

A short digital course gets you started on, or spezialises in specific themes.

  • Introductory course, basic (digital, 4 hours)
  • Introductory course (digital, 4 hours)
  • Thematic courses (digital, 2 hours). Basic knowledge of needed
  • Courses and lectures on request, digital or on prem. Contact

All participants get a course kit to work with during the course supervised by an experienced lecturer.

The introductory course gets you started on and makes it a useful tool in your daily work. You learn how to create your own data sets, to analyse them with tables, graphs, means and sums, and to calculate coefficients in causal models. The introductory courses do no prerequisite any experience with

After a thematic course you know how to perform advanced merging and analyses of the course theme. You need basic knowledge to to attend.

Courses are mainly held in Norwegian. English courses are held on request.

Course Calendar

There are no upcoming events.


Course material

Introductory course, english:

Introductory course, basic (Course set in Norwegian only):

Thematic course – contextual data (Presentations in Norwegian only):

Thematic course – job data and data on ongoing education (Presentations in Norwegian only):

Thematic course – building datasets and creating variables (Presentations in Norwegian only):

Thematic course – working with invisible data (Norwegian only):

Thematic course – income, tax and welfare benefits: