New revision of the User Guide is now published
The user manual for has now been updated and describes all new functionality that has been implemented since April 2022.
The user manual for has now been updated and describes all new functionality that has been implemented since April 2022.
The course offer in continues through the fall term 2022with two courses on specific topics on a more advanced level and two types of introductory courses, one of which is aimed at participants with sparse programming experience. Earlier specialized courses will be available on video. The courses are in Norwegian. Courses in English on…
Overview of new functionality made available during the first half of 2022. We have developed and made available new functionality this spring, in collaboration with users. Below follows a quick summary of key functionality rolled out in this period. Increased user-friendliness – more efficient workflows During March we launched a range of big and small… now has a new tool that simplifies larger recode operations. In you can recode both numeric and alphanumeric variables. Users can freely define their own ranges and rules. In some situations it is useful to base recode rules on official classifications and/or reuse well defined correspondence tables when recoding. In script-mode you can…
In addition to the command reshape-to-panel, we now introduce reshape-from-panel which makes it possible to go the opposite way, namely to restructure datasets from long- to wide-format. This provides significantly greater flexibility when adapting datasets for analyses.
The new command reshape-to-panel gives you the freedom to restructure your data to long-format, i.e. data where the information is organized downwards as observations / records.
The analysis directory in has been expanded with the new command oaxaca. This is a tool to measure whether there are systematic differences between two groups, e.g. men and women, and the differences are further decomposed into an explained and an unexplained component.
It is now possible to calculate marginal effects for logistic regression analyzes in other ways than the default value “overall”, using the new option “mfx_at ()”.
Recode string variables faster and easier in
Today’s offer of free access to will continue through 2023. In the meantime platform owners Sikt and Statistics Norway will prepare a payment model in co-operation with the users. Sikt and Statistics Norway have decided that access to will continue to be be free of costs for as long as the Microdata 2…
A collaboration between Sikt – Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research, and Statistics Norway (SSB)