Big batch of variables up-to-date

113 variables in were updated with the latest available data in a new version that was released November 2nd.

The update is released as database 3, and covers data on population, education, labour market, income, and welfare. You find the details on this and earlier releases in the metadata overview on our public web site.

Population variables are updated to 2020. Latest version of data on education, labour market and welfare is 2019. Income variables are available up to 2018. now contains 209 variables, up from the original 124.

Thanks to new versioning technology may be frequently updated. The technology keeps all results immutable through any data change. Because all scripts are executed on their original data version, all analyses are reproducible over time.

From 2021 on we plan for quarterly updates. Parallel to that we keep up the scope widening work, aiming at 1 000-1 500 variables from Statistics Norway by the end of 2023. In addition we will include third party data, and develop solutions for upload of users’ own data.

The new release of lets you choose which release to analyse by specifying data version before you start building your population and adding variables. The command to use is “require”. Click here for syntax.

The option to include data from multiple versions in one script opens for new ways of testing findings on any effect of data changes on conclusions.